Management Team

Wet Weather:

The wet weather phone number is 0466 411 687. 

This number is not available publicly and only approved club contacts should be utilising this number.

Please ensure when texting this phone, to advise your Club, field(s) being closed, the days they’re being closed and if it only affects Juniors/Seniors. E.g. Brisbane Inferno FC, Brisbane Striker, Perry Park Closed 24-26 Feb for Seniors. Thanks

Kit Clashes:

Please ensure clubs are checking the Rules of Competition for relevant kit clashes and which club needs to make changes. This needs to be checked the day prior to fixtures to avoid any issues that may arise.


Please familiarise yourself with the forfeit process, Section 3.6 of the Rules of Competition.

Fixtures may not be postponed without the approval of Football Queensland, even if both clubs agree to this.

FQ Teamsheets:

All players who are taking the field for competitive fixtures must be registered and ACTIVE in Play Football.

All players must have a passport style photo loaded to their profile and the only players who are exempt from this are those who have been granted approval by FQ. Anyone without an acceptable photo may be deemed an ineligible player and the team may be subject to Penalties and Outcomes of the Rules of Competition.

All competitive fixtures must have teamsheets loaded in FQ Teamsheets, no paper teamsheets will be accepted.